You Can Be Involved in a Miracle

I am thankful for the opportunity to have some of my writings published. I have two new booklets getting ready to go to print, both dealing with the subject of grief. They are titled What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Do and Lessons I Learned From Grief. Both are set to be released soon.

The team at Berean Publications is also preparing a reprint of one of my first books: a collection of lessons from the book of Ruth titled Running, Returning, and Redeeming. One of my best-selling books, this title is headed for a second printing. I approved the new cover this week, and it should be available soon.

I will announce release dates and pre-order information in this newsletter first. Thank you for reading One More Thing… and for sharing it with others.

As for “one more thing…”

In Mark 2:1-12, we find the account of the palsied man being healed after he was lowered through the roof of a house in which Jesus was teaching. This is an unusual miracle—not because it was unusual for Jesus to perform a miracle, but because of the circumstances surrounding it. The man was lowered through the roof by his friends. They brought him to see Jesus, and when they could not reach Him because of the crowds, they broke through the roof and lowered the palsied man down to the Saviour. The Scriptures tell us that Jesus healed this man after He saw their faith—meaning the faith of those who brought him.

Here is your “one more thing” to think about: The man was brought to Jesus by four individuals whose faith prompted Jesus to perform a miracle. What did they do? They each grabbed a corner of a makeshift cot and helped carry their friend to Jesus.

I have a question for you: Can you help carry someone to Jesus? Being part of a miracle does not necessarily take what you think it might take. Jesus healed the man, not because He saw his friends’ talent or wealth, but because He saw their faith.

Be part of the miracle. Grab a corner and help get someone to Jesus.

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