Thoughts from the Other Side of the Hill

On this day 51 years ago, I was born into this world. As I celebrate another year on planet Earth, I am grateful for God’s many blessings. I am grateful first that He gave me life. I am also grateful that as a child, I heard the Gospel and put my trust in Christ.

As I reflect on my life, I also must thank God that not everything has been easy. There have been some really difficult moments. While I never would have chosen them and would not want to live them again, it has been those times that have made me who I am.

I have been blessed.

As I look ahead—past the Taco Bell and the birthday cake—I wonder what awaits me. I know there will be blessings, and I know there will be disappointments. I know I need both. I also have set many goals for the future. If God gives me health and time, I want to make my remaining years more beneficial to the cause of Christ than the first 51 He has already given me.

Thank you to all who help me celebrate today. May we make each other’s lives better.

Oh, and one more thing…

Squeeze the most out of every day. By that, I mean make the most of every day. Some days that means you are busy. Some days it means you are not. Whatever your day—or your life—brings forth, make the best of it.

Here are a few ways I have learned in my 51 years to get the most out of each day:

Fellowship with God. Consume, meditate on, and memorize the Scriptures. Pray. Praise. Tell others about Christ. Laugh at yourself. Read. Take a walk. Be kind. Smile. Be faithful to church. Get to church early. Be a friend. Be loyal. Respect your elders. Hold the door for others. Look at the stars. Forgive. Apologize. Set goals. Create and live by a schedule. Think about Heaven. Remember those who have invested in you. Honor your parents. Give generously without expecting anything in return. Love God. Show charity. Encourage the discouraged. Endure. Be grateful. Make someone else feel like a winner. Care, and if you care, show it.

I do not know how many more years I have. We know our days are numbered. On this day, as I celebrate my birth 51 years ago, I leave you something to consider:

Please God first, then the right people will be pleased.

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