Ministry Companions

Learn to see the ministry companions God has placed in your life


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About This Book

The Apostle Paul was a great man of God, but even the greatest of men need friends. Step back in time, through the pages of Scripture, to meet the men and women who came alongside the Apostle Paul and co-labored with him. Ministry Companions is an exploration of the countless companions Paul met during his ministry journeys and how they affected his call. With an emphasis on teamwork and the impact of faithfulness, each chapter explores different ways friendships can impact a Christian’s daily life. In this book you will:
  • Understand how Paul’s loyal companions were instrumental in the ministry
  • Learn cautionary lessons from the friends who abandoned and rejected him
  • Discover the power your own spiritual friendship can have on those around you
Take a walk alongside these men and women who will guide and equip you with ways to be a better ministry companion to those in your own community.  

Author: Greg Neal  | Pages: 120  | Chapters: 16 | Format: Paperback


Chapter Titles

1. Ministry Companions. 2. Paul and the People He Encountered 3. Timothy the Beloved Companion 4. Luke the Faithful Companion 5. Demas the Deserter 6. Mark the Profitable Companion 7. Tychicus the Faithful Messenger 8. Alexander the Dangerous Enemy 9. Fearful Friends 10. A Faithful Saviour 11. Priscilla and Aquila the Hospitable Companions 12. Onesiphorus the Refreshing Companion 13. Honorable Mention 14. All the Brethren 15. Amen! 16. Scripture Index


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