The murder of 70 Christians was reported on Feb. 22. Christians in the Democratic Republic of Congo were rounded up by Islamic rebels and taken from their village to another location where they would spend their final moments. They were bound and then beheaded. From the reports, their church affiliation is not clear, nor do we know of their individual testimonies. However, we do know that they were targeted because of their identification with Christ. This is a sober and tragic reminder that not all persecution was contained in the pages of the New Testament.
Consider the following thoughts:
Islam is not a religion of peace.
By now, we certainly know this to be true, but the narrative of Islam being peaceful is still being propagated. History reveals the blood that has been shed in the name of religion. In making this point, I also must remind us that persecution is not exclusive to Islam. For example, Catholics slaughtered multitudes through the centuries in the name of the church.
American Christians have it easy in comparison to others.
There is persecution against Christians in the USA. I personally can testify of this. Compared to some other nations, however, we have it easy. How sad it is to see American Christians sink into the shadows when we are asked to take a stand! We fail to stand even against the Pharisees, the “crowd,” or internet pressure—much less could we take this kind of stand in the face of fatal danger. Truthfully, no matter how strong of a stand we must take, what we face is easy compared to the persecution faced by those on other continents.
Missions should be at the top of every Christian’s list.
This is indisputable. Why? First, because this is at the top of God’s list. Christ commissioned the church for this. Yes, we need to go to the most remote village on the earth; but we also must go to the neighborhood across town. We should give to missions, volunteer to serve as a missionary in a foreign country, or do the work of a missionary in our own local churches.
Are we willing to die for Christ?
Here is the question that every child of God MUST answer. I am afraid if we were to take an inward look and were to be completely honest with ourselves, we may not like the answer. It has been said, “If we will not live for Him, how could we expect to die for Him?” There is no brighter crown than the martyr’s crown. I pray I am never called upon to wear it; but by God’s grace, I hope I am willing to wear it if presented with that fate.
I pray this will be a reminder to every Christian of the realities of the saved and the lost. I am thinking of those on the front lines who are trying to reach people who would kill them if they were given the opportunity. This reminds me of Mary, the mother of Jesus, who gathered with others in the upper room to pray for the power of the Holy Spirit in order to reach the same people who crucified her Son.