I Don’t Care


In an interview with CNBC, Elon Musk was asked about losing advertisers for his company over statements he had made. Companies had been threatening to pull their advertising dollars if he continued to say things with which they disagreed. The interviewer was stunned when Musk’s response to this was, “I don’t care.”

Slanderous attacks have been launched against me in recent days since the inception of gregnealdaily.com. The reason is, besides petty jealousy, people are making an effort to silence my voice. They do not like the things for which I stand and the truths that I propagate. They do not like soulwinning. They do not like biblical restoration. They do not like the independence and autonomy of the local church. In essence, these individuals also do not like free speech. Like Elon Musk, I say:

I. Don’t. Care.

It is not that I do not care for the sake of not caring; it is because I have been pressured and shunned in the past. I have been boycotted by the Sword of the Lord, my alma mater, multiple mission boards, evangelists, fellowships, conferences, and colleges. When pressured by one of these entities to change my position “or else,” I chose the “or else” instead of capitulation and compromise.

There are reasons that I don’t care:

I don’t care because I have no interest in their opinion.

I have made it a habit of listening to builders. I am not interested in those who tear people down but in those who build up others. I do not listen to critics because the Bible has clear warnings concerning the ramblings of an angry man. Make no friendship with an angry man; and with a furious man thou shalt not go: Lest thou learn his ways, and get a snare to thy soul. – Proverbs 22:24-25

I don’t care because they are not my audience.

There are more than 8 billion people on the planet. I will survive without the support of everyone. I also have found there are more of us than there are of them. I will keep speaking to the audience God has set before me.

I don’t care because I do not answer to them.

What arrogance they must have to pressure the voice of another into silence! They did not give me my voice; therefore, they have no power to take it away. As much as this bothers these individuals, they cannot change the fact I do not answer to them. It is powerful to remember God gave us purpose—the crowd did not.

I don’t care because I am on the winning side.

I am on the side of Scripture. I am on the side of Jesus. I am on the side of compassion. Because of this, I am on the winning side. I believe it was Napoleon Bonaparte who said, “Never interfere with an enemy while he’s in the process of destroying himself.” There is no need for me to get in the way of the enemies of Truth.

Let me tell you who else does not care about these critics:

  • The single mom whose car broke down on the side of the road and needed someone to help her does not care.
  • John, a man I led to Christ this past week, does not care.
  • The shut-ins I visited this week don’t care.
  • The church people I pastor don’t care.
  • My family doesn’t care.
  • The children who came by with gifts and hugs after the services this past Sunday don’t care.
  • The parent with the wayward child whom I tried to encourage doesn’t care.
  • The abused wife doesn’t care.
  • The recovering addict doesn’t care.
  • The prodigal I had coffee with doesn’t care.
  • The kids who rode the bus to church this past week don’t care.
  • The new widow doesn’t care.
  • The struggling widower doesn’t care.
  • The cancer patient I am praying for and with doesn’t care.
  • The dozens who attended a recent Night of Hope to get help with their grief don’t care.
  • The restored prodigal doesn’t care.
  • In addition to all of this, the many who read my writings, watch our services from around the world, and buy my books don’t care.

In fact, most people don’t care. That is why these individuals beat their chests so loudly. Otherwise, how would they get the attention their narcissistic disorders crave?

Just as the Pharisees continued to oppose Jesus over and over, a similar group of modern-day Pharisees pop up their heads from time to time to oppose me. Some people panic when this treatment happens to them. I have learned there is much to gain when we do not allow others to silence our voices:

  • Mission boards boycotted me, and now God has provided our church with a worldwide missions ministry, with opportunities to preach on different continents annually.
  • Pastors conferences would not allow me to sell my books because of pressure they received. Now there are more pastors attending our Preacher’s Delight Conference than there are pastors attending that conference.
  • I sell more books online than I sold at the National Sword Conference.
  • All 20 of my published books have sold more copies than the average book printed in the United States.
  • I now publish my own books, resources, website, and materials.
  • I have been “cancelled” for standing with broken people, then God expanded my ministry to help more broken people.
  • I was blacklisted, then God gave me more opportunities than I could put in my schedule.

In spite of what these slanderous critics might say, their attacks are not rooted in some effort to walk the moral high road or to protect the cause of Christ. They are working to silence my voice.

So, boycott, babble, and slander. I don’t care. Complain, criticize, and conspire. I don’t care. My focus is on King Jesus and the Judgment Seat of Christ. I have searched the Scriptures and have not found justifications for their actions. In addition to that, they do not get a vote. Just in case I have not been clear…

I. Don’t. Care.

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