The Armor of God

Learn how to equip the armor of God daily


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About This Book

A soldier’s impact is only as strong as his knowledge of weaponry. Yet most Christians lack basic understanding about spiritual warfare and how to wage battle against the unseen forces that ambush us daily. The Armor of God takes you into the depths of spiritual warfare with an emphasis on using the essential armaments God has provided to navigate life’s battles. In each short chapter, you will gain a deeper understanding of the tools needed to stand against the wiles of the devil.

In these pages, you will:
  • Understand the profound impact of spiritual warfare in day-to-day living
  • Learn to effectively use God’s armor during spiritual struggles
  • Discover the critical role of prayer and vigilance against the enemy’s tactics
Equip yourself with the careful examinations and Biblical principles highlighted in this book so that you, too, can stand against spiritual attacks and become a victorious soldier of the faith.  

Author: Greg Neal  | Pages: 125  | Chapters: 15 | Format: Paperback


Chapter Titles

  1. Finally, Brethren, Be Strong
  2. Put on the Whole Armor of God
  3. How to Be a Good Wrestler
  4. Our Formidable Foe
  5. Rulers of the Darkness of This World
  6. Spiritual Wickedness in High Places
  7. Take unto You the Whole Armor of God
  8. Having Your Loins Girt About with Truth
  9. Having on the Breastplate of Righteousness
  10. Feet Shod with the Preparation of the Gospel of Peace
  11. Above All, Taking the Shield of Faith
  12. Take the Helmet of Salvation
  13. The Sword of the Spirit
  14. Fully Armed by Prayer
  15. Watching Thereunto


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