And he arose, and came to his father. But when he was yet a great way off, his father saw him, and had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him. – Luke 15:20
I am burdened today for the child of God who is out of fellowship with Him.
I am burdened because I know that the end of his path will be the hog pen. After the world uses him up, he will be discarded like trash. Many will choose to die in the hog pen instead of returning to the Father’s table. I am burdened because not enough Christians seem to care—not enough Christians are burdened.
Christian, do you have a prayer list of prodigals? Why not?
Instead of joining the prodigal in the hog pen, we should be praying him out of it.
As a pastor, I preach it straight, and I stand firm on the Bible. I do my best to oppose sin and the world. I fight to keep Christians from the “far country.” If I love them enough to preach the truth, then I should love them even when they reject the truth. I love the people God has entrusted to me as a pastor. I do not love them less when they become prodigals. Our burden should not end when they walk out the church doors.
We should dread the prodigal leaving; but once he leaves, we should pray and hope for his return. I am burdened because we no longer weep over the wayward.
Lord, break our hearts for people.
We know the Father is waiting for the return of the prodigal, but are we awaiting his return?
I am burdened, but I am hopeful. In recent days, I have seen prodigals return home. I am anticipating the return of others. At Immanuel Baptist Church, the prodigal is welcome. I will beg someone never to leave, I will pray for him while he is gone, and I will help him when he returns. Prodigals who have spent their inheritance will need the help of a pastor and a church.
Prodigal, go home.
Lord, help me never to be the “elder brother.”
Scripture tells us the father was awaiting his son, but it also tells us the elder brother was awaiting the return of his brother. Instead of rejoicing, he was condemning. Instead of celebrating, he was sulking. I wonder how many who have been away from God have found it more difficult to return because of the “elder brother” attitude! This should not be so!
Prodigal, go home.
If you are reading this while currently residing in the “far country,” allow me to remind you that your Heavenly Father is waiting. He loves you unconditionally, unlike those who encourage you to spend your inheritance in riotous living. Are you not tired of feeding on the empty husks of this world? Ask God for forgiveness and seek to restore your fellowship with Him. Make that call to your parents, pastor, Sunday school teacher, youth worker, or friend. Do not wait another day. You may be surprised by how eager they are to help you.